I just finished uploading a podcast that was a group project assignment for a graduate technology class at Lamar University. We began our project by first deciding on a topic and an audience. The topic for our podcast was using wikis in education, and our audience was obviously educators. We decided to write a script in an interview type format and assign roles for each of us. Then, I created a wiki for us to collaborate on about our script. Once our script was finalized, our next step was to record and edit the podcast. We used the free download Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ and a microphone for this (see my March 2 Blog for a video on using Audacity.) Our podcast ended up being longer than we thought it would be (over 7 minutes) so we did a little editing using the Audacity tools. We also added free play music to the beginning of our project before saving it as an MP3 and posting it to the free host site podOmatic at http://www.podomatic.com/. Finally, I linked the final project to this blog.
I thought creating the podcast was really fun and quite interesting. I can see a lot of uses for podcasts for educators. Check out this Teacher Tube video on how to use podcasts in the classroom.
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